We do the green thumb stuff. Actually, we full-on nerd out on yourlawn to deliver just what it needs, right when it needs it.

Lawnus Maximus

For lawns over 300 sq/m

POA monthly subscription

Includes direct consultation with KJ to determine your exact requirements.

- Includes Keepers Way Store Credit (Value TBC)

- 20% Store discount code to share with 4 friends

- Free Keepers Way Bucket hat to keep the UV off your melon

You will require a fertiliser spreader and a sprayer to apply the KEEPERS WAY goodies you will receive monthly. Contact us so we can determine the best option for lawn.


Terms and Conditions.

Subscriptions are for a 12 month term and debited from your nominated credit card monthly. Subscriptions can be terminated with 90 days notice.
Early termination fees apply to cover an out of pocket expenses incurred by Keepers Way.

Discount codes:

Discount codes will be shared immediately upon subscribing and are valid for 3 months. Discount codes are only executable on the Keepers Way online store and are not redeemable for cash.

Increasing your subscription

You can increase your subscription to a higher value plan with 30 days notice.

Decreasing your subscription

You can decrease your subscription to a lesser value plan with 60 days notice.

Moving House?

You can transfer your subscription to a new address with 30 days notice.

You can transfer your subscription to the new owners of your original address (the address we have on record) so that we can keep the history of property on record.

Simply invite the new owner to subscribe and contact us to authorise the transfer of payments to the new owner’s credit card account.
